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Student blog

How to make the move easy?
It is not without reason that a lot of people are so negative and wary of the move. This is understandable, because the collection, packaging, transportation of furniture and things not only require titanic efforts, but also involve money and time. So moving is not an easy task. And sooner …

A service that will solve everything
How would you like to have at hand such an assistant who can solve absolutely any question and problem. From television to medical. However, we all know that we live in a time of technology, so now services such as Telus technical support have become a reality. You can easily …

Programming for kids: it is interesting and useful
Most children, in addition to the school curriculum, have some kind of additional activities. Some are engaged in dancing, some play football, some draw or sing in the choir. This is excellent from the point of view of the child’s all-around development, it is an additional opportunity to show their …

Party games and contests: how a group of students can have fun
Murder mystery games are generally party games in which one of the partygoers is secretly playing a murderer, and the other attendees must determine who among them the criminal is. In some styles of game, the murderer may be aware that they are the killer and in other games the murderer discovers this …

New Trends in Canadian Education
Faced with an aging population, the Canadian government is making strides to maintain a strong economy through new, inclusive trends in education. The Canadian government promotes diversity through immigration policies that (a)encourage students from around the globe to come to Canada to receive their degrees, and (b)provide an easy pathway …

Water and Wastewater Educational Courses in Canada
The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton offers at least three great distance learning programmes for those who want to pursue a career in water and wastewater industry. NAIT courses are known for high level of training and, what is more, are approved by specialists working in the field …

IT Degree Programs
Information Technologies IT programs are created for IT professionals who are looking for professional growth and want to boost their managerial and technical skills. Such programs help to find future employment within such perspective companies as Berdock IT services from Ottawa or pursue leadership in a current working place. That …

The Importance of Blockchain Courses
We are modern people and we can not imagine our lives without the access to the Internet. It makes our lives easier, allowing us to connect to the library of the world’s knowledge anytime we need it. It will not be an overwhelming to say that modern education is hardly …

3 Tips for Rocking an Educational Presentation
Despite the fact that education in Canada, in contrast to education in such countries as Korea and China, is not blamed for high-stress levels, Canadian students, especially those who do their best to avoid just a few minutes of speaking in class, also face some stressful situations. Generally, when it …

Top 15 Best Free Math Tools for Students
Though most of the students do not associate math with fun and equations don’t get most people excited, there are some ways that can help math students see the more interesting side of the subject. So if you are one of those who believes that math is boring, we provide …