The Importance of Blockchain Courses

We are modern people and we can not imagine our lives without the access to the Internet. It makes our lives easier, allowing us to connect to the library of the world’s knowledge anytime we need it. It will not be an overwhelming to say that modern education is hardly imaginable without the Internet. Nevertheless, not all of us understand that the new era of the Internet has already started. That is why all those striving for success and quality education should not forget about the need to keep up with the times.
The thing to understand is that while the first era of the Internet was based on information, the second one – the current era – is powered by blockchain technology. It means that today the Internet exists in the form of a platform aimed to rebuild the world of business and human affairs for better.
Blockchain values everything starting from money, stocks and intellectual property to votes, music, healthcare records and even our identities. It promises us a revolution in financial services and, what is more, it is aimed to bring such technologies as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things and robots into the economy. That is why it becomes very important for modern people to understand blockchain technology.
As it always happens, the new era will define its winners and losers, whether we are talking about companies, industries or countries. All of us want to be winners, but in order to win, we have to be educated.It means that despite the fact that today’s Canada is considered to be a leader in quantum physics and artificial intelligence, and blockchain looks like an ideal third leg of the tech stool, lack of educational courses on blockchain in Canada is the first thing to be changed.
Today the world see the increasing demand for blockchain skills from various sectors and universities of such countries as the UK, US, Cyprus, Denmark and some others have already added blockchain to their course list. Nevertheless, when it comes to blockchain courses offered in Canada, you do not have a plenty of options to choose from. So despite you can join courses offered by Blockchain Canada or Blockchain Association Canada, there are still no universities in Canada offering blockchain courses.
Nevertheless, it is worth to mention that in 2015, Simon Fraser University became the first Canadian university to accept bitcoin. It shows that Canada has already made some steps to deliver prosperity for its citizens. But if we want to become one of the second era’s global hubs, adding blockchain to the list of courses in Canadian universities is a great way to start this path.